Search Results for: aries animal sign Articles

best pet for your zodiac sign

The Best Pet For You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

When we talk about why people have pets, a number of things come up. Companionship is usually the first. Others may feel it is their duty to save a stray or have a pet for protection. The reasons are truly endless, but for the most part, anyone with a pet

moon sign ultimate guide

The Ultimate Guide to Your Moon Sign

Whether you’re more left-brained or right-brained, whether you subscribe to faith or science, and whether you believe in astrology or not, there’s one thing that everyone knows: their Sun sign. Even those who staunchly oppose astrology usually know which sign applies to them. The Sun sign is so ubiquitous in

may angel card reading

Unlock May 2024 Angel Guidance for Each Zodiac Sign

May is abundant with change and alignment. There are many blessings in bloom in May. The energy is moving fast and there is no denying the higher timelines that are here. Assisting you through this powerful time is angelic guidance. Your angels are sent to help you through various seasons.

mercury enters taurus

These 6 Zodiac Signs Need to Pay EXTRA Attention When Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury – the planet of communication, information, and the mind – is moving into grounded, calming Taurus on May 15th, 2024, bringing an earthy essence that will help you feel rooted in the terrain below your feet. And while this transit will deliver quite a bit of balanced, harmonious energy

Your Holiday Party Personality, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

We all love those holiday party movies where the right combination of personalities makes for some hilarious antics and memories. Imagine your zodiac sign as a character in one of those ensemble cast films. Who would be the Gossip, the Party Animal, or the Nursemaid? With holiday events in full

Aries Pet Compatibility

Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign, and this means they’re the leaders of the pack with one of the fastest elements on the planet. Fire signs move quickly and have almost impossible energy to match. So when it comes to Aries pet compatibility, Rams want a pet that can keep up with

Zodiac Sign

Similar: Zodiac Each of the constellations in the zodiac makes up a zodiac sign. Every sign has identifying factors like their element (is it Water, Fire, Earth, or Air sign?), quality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable?), and their compatibility with other signs (Geminis and Sagittarius’ go well together, Sagittarius and Virgo do not).  Let’s break it down: There are 12 zodiac signs in

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Dates: November 21 – December 21* Zodiac Symbol: Archer Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Jupiter Ruling House: 9th Quality: Mutable Polarity: Positive Power Color: Red, Purple, Blue, Indigo Birthstones: Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise Flowers: Carnation Key Traits: Adventurer, Idealistic, Exaggerative Desires: To make the impossible possible Compatible Signs: Aries,

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